Distributed Generation that Achieves Profound Carbon Reduction & Significant Economic Returns for Clients

Looking up at tall buildings from street view

FREEDOM POWER designs, installs, owns, operates, and maintains transformative resilient distributed generation plants that electrify, heat, and cool our cities’ biggest carbon emitters: large commercial buildings.

We dramatically reduce or eliminate carbon emissions – and bolster each clients’ back-up generation.

FREEDOM POWER – built by a team with more than 100 years of combined experience across commercial real estate, energy efficiency and financing – helps organizations solve carbon reduction, meet ESG requirements and take a pragmatic and sustainable approach to meeting energy needs.

Machinery and pipes
Laptop computer showing financial growth chart

How? By providing zero-cost modernization of Energy Systems to Electrify, Heat, and Cool Properties.

FREEDOM POWER systems are highly efficient which enables us to pay you a substantial annual license fee in exchange for the right to sell energy at prevailing rates.

Each project generates stable, reliable cash flows while providing owners and tenants stable, reliable and resilient energy. A win-win.